It is said that Work is Worship. That we should worship our work like we worship God. It is unethical to assess or judge anyone on the basis of his work. 

If we work with dedication, if we work with passion, if we work with purpose, it would mean worship of your work. The intensity and passion for your work should, always, be considered more important than the money you make from the work.

There is nothing worse than to mindlessly go on working and working only to get more & more money. The pursuit of money cannot be linked to your happiness. 

No matter how much money you make, it cannot make you really happy. You can get fulfillment and happiness only if you work with passion and dedication for the type of work you really like to do. 

Working with enthusiasm and zeal, gives you an energy to transform your vision into reality. This elevates you and inspires others working with you.

We should ask ourselves what makes us happy? What truly satisfies us? Whether we are undertaking value based work? It requires soul searching to understand whether your work is human centric and elevating or just money centric. 

Worship of God is always elevating, and so should be the Worship of Work.

Watch the whole video here :

By C Pal Singh

President NISSMAT (International)

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